2006-2007 Austria Erste Division - Standings
Last Update:2007-7-2 17:35:18
Austria Erste Division Statistics of the latest Standings
 Games Played 198 100.00%
 Games Unplayed 0 0%
 Home Win 94 47.47%
 Draw 50 25.25%
 Away Win 54 27.27%
 Total Goals 585 2.95 Goals Average
 Home Goals 337 1.70 Goals Average
 Away Goals 248 1.25 Goals Average
 Best Attack Team LASK Linz, 74 Goals
 Home Best Attack Team Leoben, 38 Goals
 Away Best Attack Team LASK Linz, 37 Goals
 Worst Attack Team TSV Hartberg, 31 Goals
 Home Worst Attack Team Kapfenberg, 18 Goals
 Away Worst Attack Team Karnten,TSV Hartberg, 11 Goals
 Best Defense Team LASK Linz, 34 Goals
 Home Best Defense Team Parndorf, 15 Goals
 Away Best Defense Team LASK Linz, 15 Goals
 Worst Defense Team Admira Modling, 67 Goals
 Home Worst Defense Team Admira Modling, 30 Goals
 Away Worst Defense Team Kapfenberg, 42 Goals